Years of work expeirece
Domingos Sipobe Foundation

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The Domingos Sipobe Foundation, referred to as FDS for short, is a legal entity, governed by private law, non-profit, with legal personality, with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy. It is a social institution approved by the Council of Ministers on March 20, 2018, provided for under...

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Sharing is also caring

Strategic Plan (2019 - 2023)

based on 4 intervention programs:

Welcome to Fundação Aurora (FDS), where every step we take is a ray of hope for those who need it most. n every corner of the world...
We're here to stand by those in need

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Help us impact the lives of many disadvantaged people

    Our Partners

    Check out some of the events held by FDS below.


    The actions of our programs are reflected throughout the country, with direct impacts on the Province of Maputo.

    Our Geographic Coverage